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Dividend Announcement of Funds

This is to inform you that the Chief Executive Officer of MCB Funds, on behalf of the Board of Directors, approved the following payout for the following funds:

Name of the Fund Date Dividend Per Unit
MCB Pakistan Sovereign Fund 25-Jun-21 2.9700
MCB DCF Income Fund 25-Jun-21 7.0333
Pakistan Income Enhancement Fund 25-Jun-21 3.9355
Alhamrah Islamic Income Fund 25-Jun-21 6.5076
Pakistan Capital Market Fund 25-Jun-21 0.5000
Pakistan Income Fund 25-Jun-21 3.9065
Pakistan Cash Management Fund 25-Jun-21 0.9788

• The above entitlement will be credited to unit holders, whose names appeared in the register of unit holders at the close of business on June 25, 2021.